Mission Statement

The Manitoba Energy Council is an organization of engineers and professionals from related fields, most of them retired. Like the Bipole III Coalition from which it evolved, the Manitoba Energy Council believes that its expertise in most facets of the production, use and conservation of electrical energy in this province would be an asset to Manitoba Hydro in planning the delivery of electricity to Manitobans. Since the some of the Council’s members are no longer in active careers, then Council is able to provide independent, apolitical, volunteer and professional advice and feedback to Manitoba Hydro and other bodies responsible for the sustained development of energy in Manitoba. The Council’s contributions are intended for the ultimate benefit of every Manitoban. The Council is not affiliated with any political party.

Councillors and Officers

Dennis Woodford MSc, P. Eng., Councillor and President

Engineering consultant and global research leader on transmission and generation projects, President of Electranix Corporation

Garland Laliberte PhD. P. Eng., Councillor

Dean Emeritus Engineering, University of Manitoba, Past-President, Association of Professional Engineers of Manitoba, Past-President, Canadian Council of Professional Engineers

Al Myska BSc, P. Eng., Councillor

Engineering consultant on northern projects

Dave Ennis MSc, P. Eng., Councillor

Executive Director, Association of Professional Engineers of Manitoba (retired)

Karen Friesen BSc Agr. Councillor

Landowner and farmer

Scott Forbes, PhD. Councillor

Professor of Biology, University of Winnipeg