The Manitoba Energy Council presented today to the Public Utilities Board on Efficiency Manitoba’s inaugural three-year plan. The Plan is currently under review by the Board as it seeks ultimate approval by the Manitoba Minister of Crown Services.

The Council told the Board that the Plan represents a good start but that there is room for improvement.

The Council expressed concern that the Plan does not take full advantage of the scope given to Efficiency Manitoba by the Province of Manitoba. In particular, the Council said, the Plan wastes valuable time, in deferring to the future, opportunities to put Manitoba Hydro’s surplus energy to work for the benefit of the provincial economy.

The Council also said that the Plan does not adequately take into account changes in the market for electricity when it overvalues the benefits that will accrue to Manitobans from electricity saved by the Plan.

The Manitoba Energy Council is an organization of engineers and professionals from related fields. It provides independent, apolitical, volunteer and professional advice and feedback for the sustained development of energy in Manitoba. The Council’s contributions are intended for the ultimate benefit of every Manitoban. The Council maintains a website at