Published:October 26, 2018

Updated:October 26, 2018 5:42 AM CDT

Winnipeg Sun

B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell speaks during a interview in his office in Victoria on February 14, 2011. The Manitoba government has hired former British Columbia premier Gordon Campbell to review two major hydro projects that have added billions of dollars to the provincial debt. Campbell will look at whether the Keeyask Generating Station and Bipole Three transmission line -- projects built under the former NDP government -- were built based on sound economics. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward.

Former B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell — who Ontario’s new PC Premier Doug Ford recently appointed to lead a review of that province’s finances under the previous, now utterly-vanquished Liberal Wynn government — has just been hired by Pallister’s government to review the NDP’s disastrously incompetent expansion of Manitoba Hydro.

Campbell’s review comes late and will not be comprehensive. Late, because an inquiry into the Hydro debacle should have been called right after the PC’s majority government election. Pallister broke his promise to halt and review the project upon winning government. A fulsome, truly independent review should have been called the day after the 2016 election — when it could have done some good. And rather than compromising the result by having the review done by a reliable old political warhorse like Campbell, it should have been conducted by a qualified firm like La Capra (now Daymark Energy).

Instead, we are to get a restricted inquiry coming 30 months too late by someone with virtually no credentials for the job other than to have launched, as the Premier of British Columbia, the questionable Site C hydro project. Campbell’s inquiry will narrowly “review actions taken prior to and during the construction of … Keeyask Generating Project and Bipole III Transmission and Converter Stations Project.” Not comprehensive, but very expensive at a cost of $2.5 million. This newest limited review of the biggest boondoggle in Manitoba’s history follows a multi-million dollar bill for the Public Utilities Board’s flawed mandated review in 2014, the Boston Consulting Group’s 2016 review with its north-of-$4-million price tag and another bill in 2017 by MGF Project Services of Calgary. I omit mentioning the 2016 audit by Manitoba’s Auditor General, it concerned only Keeyask’s impact on First Nations. None of these expensive probes of the utility’s plans and actions was comprehensive, open, or independent. Campbell’s review will likely follow that pattern.

Do we, suffering taxpayers and Hydro ratepayers — I’m not sure if government or Hydro pays for this latest review — really need to spend another $2.5 million to re-discover that the NDP governments of 1999-2016 blew it spectacularly?

Ignoring, only for the purposes of space, the full scale of the Hydro boondoggle that is expected to lead to $25 billion of mostly unnecessary Hydro debt, it includes the Wuskwatim dam fiasco, wasted money on stillborn Conawapa Dam, Bipole III as well the Keeyask Dam, a new transmission line south and the incredible cost of the Point du Bois spillway replacement. Cost estimates for Keeyask have risen from below $4 billion to almost $9 billion, while initial market forecasts for the value of exported power have collapsed.

Information on Campbell’s firm is lacking — an internet search found no information on Hawksmuir International Partners of which Campbell is said to be CEO. What is far from lacking is understanding the clear motive of the Pallister government in engaging Campbell to conduct yet another expensive review of parts of the Hydro saga.

Pallister unnecessarily added billions to the NDP’s Hydro boondoggle by not halting it immediately as promised. His mistake, one of many, is not for discussion. The review will, however, ensure that the NDP “wears” the financial disaster right before the next election. Pallister now joins the NDP in using Hydro for his own purpose.

— Graham Lane leads Manitoba Forward. He chaired the Public Utilities Board from 2004-2012.